Ensure your safety and the safety of your team with the MRCA’s Hot Air and Induction Welding Safety Training (HAWT). This essential program bridges the gap between basic awareness and the advanced knowledge needed to operate Hot Air and Induction Welding equipment safely. With a focus on hazard recognition, control measures, and critical safety practices, HAWT equips roof workers to meet the unique challenges of their trade. Don't compromise on safety—invest in the training that protects lives and ensures compliance today!
Contact Jack White at to organize a class for your company!
The new Hot Air and Induction Welding Safety Training Program (HAWT) teaches the methods for identifying and controlling the hazards that workers face during the installation of roofing systems using electrically powered equipment.
This program approaches Authorized User level training with the assumption that you have completed basic "Awareness" level safety training. Awareness training is what you would find in a typical OSHA 10-hour safety class or in specific subject matter training you might receive through your company.
The current OSHA standards do not specify the formal criteria necessary to determine the appropriate training level for an authorized user. To meet this need, the MRCA's Hot Air and Induction Welding Safety Committee will require that a roof worker using Hot Air and Induction Welding equipment must have an understanding of the basic OSHA requirements for PPE, Hazardous Materials, Fire Prevention and Fall Prevention and must have a more in depth understanding of Electricity and Electrical Safety, Generator Function and Generator Safety and of the function, use and safety requirements for Hot Air welding equipment and Induction Welding equipment.
This program will include a review of hazard recognition and controls, first aid for some of the most common injuries, PPE requirements, Fall and Fire Prevention and basic hazardous materials management. This portion of the training is intended to serve as a "refresher" for the people who have already have awareness training and an introduction to these subjects for those who have not.
We all know that working in the roofing industry can be hazardous. All roof workers—whether they are working on the job site, in the yard and in the shop face daily challenges to their safety. This training program is specifically designed to help roof workers understand the nature of the hazards and how to best control the risks when working with Hot Air and Induction Welding equipment.